24 June 2013

Garlic Scape Pesto

These, my friends, are some of my new favorite things--garlic scapes.

This summer I'm working as the Garden Intern for the Hoosier Hills Food Bank here in Bloomington, IN. When we were checking our garlic a few days ago, we learned to our surprise that we have a hard neck variety of garlic, which shoots out these curly, whimsical scapes as the garlic develops. We snipped the scapes off so that the plant would focus its energy on the bulb below. 

Turns out, scapes make excellent pesto. Spicy, but subtle. 

2 c scapes (bulbs trimmed off)
1/2 c Parmesan 
1/2 c toasted walnuts (pine nuts/pecans)
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste

In a food processor, chop scapes, Parmesan, salt, pepper, and walnuts until finely minced. Drizzle in oil while machine is on. Taste and adjust seasonings as needed. This keeps well refrigerated for 1-2 weeks. I froze half in cubes. Serve over pasta, quinoa, roasted veggies, or a crusty piece of bread.  You really can't go wrong here. 

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