03 February 2014

Cherry Cream Cheese Coffee Cake

Mom made this during my visit home for the holidays. It made a delicious breakfast! You can easily substitute your favorite variety of preserves. Raspberry or blackberry would be just wonderful! 

1 package of cream cheese
1/4 c butter
2 c biscuit mix
1/4 c milk, plus 1-2 T for glaze
1 c powdered sugar
1/2 t vanilla 
1/2 c cherry preserves 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a medium sized bowl, cut cream cream cheese and butter into biscuit mix until crumbly. Stir in milk. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead 8-10 times. Move to wax paper. Press into a 12x8 inch rectangle. Invert onto greased baking sheet and remove paper. Make 2 1/4 inch long cuts at 1 inch intervals down length of rectangle. Spread preserves down center of rectangle. Fold strips over the filling on an angle. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Meanwhile, combine powdered sugar, milk, and vanilla for glaze. Cool the coffee cake 5 minutes, then drizzle with glaze. Best served warm. 

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